Transformed, Revived & Renewed Ministries
TRR Ministries-Past Engagements
October 2010-Weekend retreat offered by Tonya and TRR team held at St Mark’s UMC Findlay, OH.
March, 2011-“Tree of Life” offered at the Ladies Church of God Annual Conference, Winebrenner Seminary.
June 2011-A “By the Pond” study written by Tonya of the Lord’s Prayer.
January 2012-“Tree of Life” offered at Connections Ministries-Belmont, NC.
October 2012-“Tree of Life” offered as weekend retreat in Fort Wayne, IN.
March 2012-“Tree of Life” offered at the Ladies Church of God Annual Conference, Winebrenner Seminary.
June 2012-A “By the Pond” study of the 23rd Psalm written by Tonya.
November 2012-“Superwoman is Frazzled” day retreat held at Winebrenner Theological Seminary.
March 2013-“Superwoman’s Balancing Act” offered at the Ladies Church of God Annual Conference Findlay, OH.
March 2013-“Superwoman’s Balancing Act” offered at Catholic Women’s Conference, Deer Creek State Park.
June 2013-A “By the Pond” study written by Tonya titled “Love, Love, and More Love.”
January 2014-“Superwoman’s Balancing Act” offered at Ebenezer Church, Bluffton, OH.
February 2014-Tonya taught a shortened version of “We Are the Body” at the Community Hall, Arcadia, OH.
March 2014-Tonya shared her teaching “We Are the Body” at the Ladies’ Church of God Annual Conference.
June 2014-A “By the Pond” eleven-week study titled “The Disciplines of a Godly Woman.”
July 2014-"We Are the Body" offered at Community Building, Arcadia, OH.
March 2015-“We are the Body” offered for Lutheran Women’s District Meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera, OH.
June 2015-Tonya taught a ten-week community Bible study on The 23rd Psalm.
July 2015-Mark and Tonya Marvin and Duane and Lisa Hackworth served on prayer team at ARM Conference, Lexington, KY.
September 2015-Tonya and TRR Team offered “Superwoman is Frazzled” Echo Ranch Bible Camp, Juneau, AK.
January 2017-“Lord’s Prayer” offered as a ten-week community study, Arcadia, OH.
January 2017-Tonya served on a Life in the Spirit Experience Team through Aldersgate Ministries in Pickerington, OH.
February 2017-"Superwoman is Frazzled" retreat held at The Pines Retreat Center, Fremont, OH.
March 2017- TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
March 2017-Tonya and Lisa Hackworth served at the Aldersgate Renewal Ministries Gathering, Goodlettesville, TN.
May 2017-Tonya taught at a Life in The Spirit Seminar for Aldersgate Ministries, San Francisco, CA.
May 2017-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
June 2017-A “By the Pond” study of the book “The Essential Guide to Healing-Equipping all Christians to Pray for the Sick” by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark.
June 2017-Mark and Tonya Marvin and Duane and Lisa Hackworth served at ARM Conference, Lexington, KY.
July 2017-Tonya led prophetic word team for ARM Lexington, KY.
August 2017-"Superwoman is Frazzled" retreat held at The Pines Retreat Center, Fremont, OH.
September 2017-Tonya served as the Keynote Speaker for the ARM Women's Day Apart and spoke on the theme "God Sees, God Knows, God Cares." She also offered a break-out session on "Balance and Boundaries." Lisa Hackworth offered a break-out session on "Dealing with Difficult People."
October 2017-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
November 2017-TRR Team dinner and attended worship event in Marion, OH.
December 2017-Mark and Tonya Marvin and Duane and Lisa Hackworth served on the prayer team at United Theological Seminary’s event “Holiness and the Holy Spirit.”
December 2017-Tonya hosted a table at "Advent by Candlelight" at St. Michaels Church, Findlay, OH.
December 2017-Tonya narrated the Community Christmas Cantata at West Independence UMC.
April 2018-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
June 2018-A “By the Pond” study of John Bevere’s book “The Bait of Satan.”
July 2018-Tonya lead Personal Prophetic Word Team at ARM Annual Conference in Lake Junaluska, NC. Lisa Hackworth served on this team.
August 2018-Tonya was keynote speaker at Aldersgate West Conference, Tulsa, OK. She also taught a break-out session titled “We are the Body.” Lisa Hackworth assisted Tonya.
August 2018-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
October 2018-Mark and Tonya Marvin served with Aldersgate for a “Life in The Spirit” weekend in Leitchfield, KY
October 2018-Tonya Marvin and Lisa Hackworth attended the Aldersgate Gathering, Goodlettsville, TN.
November 2018-Tonya and TRR Team offered a weekend retreat held at Zephyr Point Conference Center, Lake Tahoe, NV, titled “Sisters Soaking in the Spirit.”
December 2018-Mark and Tonya Marvin and Duane and Lisa Hackworth served on the prayer team at United Theological Seminary’s Holy Spirit Seminar “Prophecy and the Prophetic Community.”
February 2019-Tonya attended a week-long Inner Healing course by Tommy Hays, Goodlettsville, TN.
March 2019-Tonya and team members attended Awakened to Destiny Conference in Dayton, OH.
March 2019-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
May 2019-Tonya was keynote speaker, "Suddenlies of God," and served on prayer ministry for AGLOW Ministries, Chillicothe, OH.
May 2019-Tonya and TRR team members lead a weekend event at ARC in Goodlettsville, TN, for Aldersgate Renewal Ministries titled "Starting Point."
May 2019-Sisters in Christ begin study, "God's Supernatural Power in You" by Frank DeCenso Jr.
July 2019-Mark and Tonya Marvin, Duane and Lisa Hackworth attended the ARM Conference in Springfield, IL. Tonya taught a session entitled "Hearing God's Voice" and lead the Personal Prophetic Word Team. Lisa served as prayer team leader and on the Personal Prophetic Word Team. Mark and Duane assisted with the prayer team and personal prophetic word team.
August 2019-Sisters in Christ group began an eight-week study on the book of James at Tonya's home.
August 2019-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
October 2019-Tonya attended the Aldersgate Gathering and Annual Board Meeting. She taught a session title "Hearing God's Voice." Tonya will now serve on the Executive Board as Second Vice President.
November 2019-Tonya and Mark attended an AGLOW Lighthouse meeting, Chillicothe, OH. Tonya spoke on "Hearing God's Voice" and "The Prophetic."
December 2019-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
March 2020-Tonya and TRR team members led a weekend event in Columbus, OH, titled "Getting Plugged In."
March 2020-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
March 2020-Sisters in Christ began study using Zoom online software, "Conquering the Game of Control" by Craig Green.
March 2020-Tonya invited prophetic prayer team to meet with her biweekly.
May 2020-Tonya attended online Prophetic Workshop.
June 2020-Tonya began discipling a young women's group online using Zoom technology. The "Way Maker Group" meets on Wednesday evenings.
August 2020-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
August & September 2020-Tonya and TRR team members held weekly teachings, "Gather by the Water." The gatherings were held on Sunday evenings by the pond at TRR Ministries.
November 2020-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
February 2021-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
Spring 2021-Tonya led an online book study, "Healing the Orphan Spirit" by Leif Hetland.
May 2021-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
June 2021-"Ascent" teachings and worship were held Sunday evenings by the pond at TRR Ministries.
April 2022-Tonya lead a weekend event at Grafton UMC, Paris, OH, titled "Disciples Who Make Disciples."
June 2022-Tonya and Lisa Hackworth served at the annual Aldersgate Conference. Tony served as the Prophetic Word Team Coordinator and Lisa served as the Children's Ministry Director.
November 2022-Tonya and TRR team members lead a weekend conference in Findlay, OH, at the Hancock Hotel entitled "Awake & Arise."
May 2023-Tonya and TRR team members lead a weekend conference in Michigan entitled "Spiritual Gifts."
Summer 2023-Tonya led a small group study on "Pride/Humility."
Summer 2023-TRR team members taught about "Teamwork Within the Body of Christ" at the Liberty Benton baseball tournament.
Summer 2023-Tonya took classes at the Joshua Center, Corydon, IN.
July 2023-Lisa Hackworth led the children's ministry for Aldersgate Renewal Ministry's Karav event.
July 2023-Tonya lead prophetic prayer team for Aldersgate Renewal Ministry's Karav event.
August 2023-Paola Wyrick lead training on healing and delivery for the TRR board members and area ministry leaders.
Fall 2023-Tonya lead Zoom study entitled "The Balance of Truth and Grace."
January 2024-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
Winter 2024-Tonya taught a six-week study on Galatians and an eight-week study on Ephesians.
April 2024-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
June 2024-Tonya led Prophetic Word Team for Aldersgate Renewal Ministries.
August 2024-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
September & October 2024-TRR Prayer & Advisory Council.
October 2024-Tonya and TRR team members led a weekend conference in Columbus, OH, titled "More Lord."
November 2024-TRR Advisory Board Meeting.
Year of 2024-Sandy Davidson led the monthly book study, "Victory at the Gates."